Sorry all, i've been a little lazy this summer. :) But Fedex says my new notebook computer should be coming today. Well, there was a delay previously on my notebook, so I believe they're estimated arrival date is a day off unifortunately. So, hopefully i'll get it tomorrow at the latest. It will be a pretty lil thang, fully customized and is already paid for with 3 year warrenty. :) With school swiftly approaching, I hope it gets here soon.
Before I get into the good stuff, I'd like to quickly shoutout the Glenville Anime Club that yours truely is apart of. Sooo, if you're in Cleveland, Ohio feel free to come to the Glenville Library. Google Map: Glenville Highschool , and nearby is our area's library.
With that said, i'd like to note a few good anime titles to check out:
1. Fate Stay Night (Great combat, yet i'm not 100% into the "fight for the prize" storyline.)
2. Doll (kinda mature mind ya, a bit of sexual themes. Different stories, not all ecchi, wrapped into one book.)
3. Tsukihime (A "boy meets female vampire" story. Lot of blood/bodys being sliced in half)
4. Vampire Bund ("Werewolf boy protects vampire princess", looks almost sick due to the young-adult look of the boy matched with the princess whos an adult trapped in a kids body, yet has a great storyline, full of love, fighting/biting, friendship, and an ecchi princess.)
Now lets check out some good bands(music):
1)Lady Gaga - Her up-beat techno/dance music plus her "cool" voice and her dirty lyrics about sex and being drunk is unbelievably good. (Check out: Polker face, Just Dance, Love Game)
2) Katy Perry - Funny how both Gaga and Perry are big hits at the same time, but they are. Both artists are quite similar in music, both creating outragious yet good music. Katy's just doesnt seem to be as much into dance beats as Gaga to me. (Check out: Waking up in Vegas, Hot & Cold)
3) Shinedown - Ok, so you heard 1 song by this group, and you classified them as being a metal or punk band or w/e. Not all of his songs are so harsh. (Check out: If You Only Knew, Second Chance) and if you dont mind a little metal, (Check out: Sound of Maddness)
Now that i've updated you on manga and music, how about we take a look at some online games that I plan to TRY out. Please realize that I havent played these games yet, though i'd like to test them when my new computer comes. Due to RAM an graphics/video card issues, I havent been able to try them, but when it comes i'll give them a try.:
(These are NOT in any kind of order)
1) Mabinogi
2) Myth Wars
I'd like to RETURN TO PLAYING these games because with a better graphics card, they should run smoother:
3)Ragnarok Online (Private servers)
4)Trickster Online
5) Angels Online (Im currently playing this sure, but i'd like to run more game clients at the same time)
Well back to my new notebook:
I'd like to start this back off by saying that Fedex's site just did a smart thing. It knows my package is late, so it removes the estimated delievery date on the tracking page. :) Sorry Fedex, I still know it's late. As a customer it makes me angry, as a tech-lover it makes me laugh.
Anyway, when it comes i'll have Sucky-Mc.-Suckface Vista OS. Im not excited about having Vista as a OS, though I dont think i'll switch until Windows 7 comes out. And even then, that means re-installing Windows and programs.
Speaking of programs, I have some programs you might like. I plan to try them on Vista. Their websites say they are compatible with Vista, but until my notebook comes I wont know for sure. Everything below is FREE:
1) Adobe Reader Lite - Lighter version of adobe reader, which we all know is slow as heck.
2) Avira AntiVirus Software - Antivirus software
3) CCleaner - Cleans your Registry as well as things such as browser cookies an cache.
4) Comodo - Firewall. It has its flaws (likes to pop up and ask you if its ok for blah blah blah to run), but hey, it works. It even has a thing called "Threatcast", which shows you the percentage of what other users selected for the program in question.
5) CleanMem - RAM cleaner that runs in the background in your selected interavals, speeding up your computer nicely.
6) Defraggler - Computer defragmenter. "Wait, Windows comes with one of these." Ahem..You're trusting something by microsoft to get the job wrong? Yeah, try this instead.
7) Firefox - Best. Web Browser. Ever. (Check out my article on serveral web browsers: )
8) Flash Disinfector - Remove viruses like "auto-run" from your flashdrive. If you use school computers/library computers with your flashdrive like me, you might wanna give this a run every once in a while.
9) Game Booster - Boost computer [RAM] performance. I havent had this program more than a few months, but I cant live without it now. It temporarily shuts down background processes that are using your ram that you dont need. Simple to use. Great for while gaming (like the title says) but also other programs that use a lot of ram.
10) Malware Bytes - O.M.G. Love at first..scan. :) Found a lot of stuff my old antivirus software *cough*Mcafee free version*cough* missed, and now its installed on almost all the computers in my household.
11) Messenger Plus! Live - WLM Tweaker. If you're a Windows Live Messenger freak, then give this a try. Its PACKED with features and scripts/addons. Thanks to it, I can listen to music through my msn, customize my nickname/signature with funky colors and codes, have antivirus software IN my messenger to protect itself from getting infected, and many more.
12) Open Office - Microsoft Word's counterpart. Who needs to go out and spend money on Microsoft's Word, Powerpoint, and other similar programs when Open Office offers you similar programs FREE, AND are compatible with Microsoft's programs as well? :)
13) Opera - Web Browser. Faster than Firefox, great security. It just lacks all the uber-cool easy-to-install addons like Firefox. I love this browser while gaming though. Because its light on RAM, it doesnt lag up while I have my game minimized. To be honest? If this computer had the RAM, I'd probably rarely use Opera. I miss my addons.
14) Pazera_Free_FLV_to_AVI_Converter - It does what the title says, in a timely manner. :) Its not packed with uber-cool features- its nice a light, easy to use. It does what the title says it does.
15)RealPlayer11 - Music/Video/Video Downloader. Ok, so now that you have Pazera's converter, you realize you dont have any FLV files to convert. Just install RealPlayer11, go to Youtube or your favorite video site, and start downloading. Even downloads flash files. :)
16) AdAware AE - Ok, to be honest, it tells me nothing. But I believe it keeps a lot of adware from reaching my cpu in the first place. Read reviews online- its gooooood.
17) Spyware Blaster - Who has AdAware AE without Spyware Blaster? Two seperate programs that work nicely together.
18) WinRAR - Still using Winzip? Boooo. Try WinRAR. Unpacks more file extentions than Winzip.
19) WordWeb - Desktop Dictonary. Small window is perfect during research or gaming, and if WordWeb doesnt know you can try searching Wikipedia for it, right inside that small window! I've been using this program throughout highschool, I love it.
20) Getright - Download Manager. Before I used Firefox, I used shitty Internet Explorer. During that time I discovered Getright. If you're about to download a big file, try downloading it with this. In many cases, it will allow you to pause and resume downloads that you've either paused or because your internet disconnected.
Wow, 20 cool programs. :)
Here Are a few programs that I downloaded today that I wish to try:
1) Pivot Stickfigure Animator
2) Evensoft SGW (Html website code editor)
3) Top Style Lite 3.5 (CSS website code editor)
Well thats all for this entry. Might blog something else later on today, who knows. :) See ya~<3