HelloBattyCreations: Cute Jewelry!
Categories and Featured Stores on 6/29/2009 01:24:00 PM
HelloBattyCreations on Etsy - Don't be sane, be batty!If you've read back a few posts ago, I told you where to find Vampire Kisses the novel free to download. Well, i'm currently into book 2, thanks to that website, wooo!<3
VERY SLIGHT SLIGHT SPOILER, UNIMPORTANT INFO: Raven mentions something about "Hello Batty" figurines. I started to keep reading, but Im thinking, "do these things exist?". Unifortunately, from my quick Bing, I didnt find anything. But! I found this online merchant with some of the cutest stuff i've ever seen! If you're super girly, gothie/lolita gothie/girly emo/scene, or just like handcrafted stuff, check it out! Unifortunately again, I dont have a credit card (T-T cry, cry), so im not sure how her creations look in real life, but from the few pictures I looked at, they're beautiful, and certainly great for xmas. I plan to look at more of her stuff after reading a lil more Vampire Kisses 2. HelloBattyCreations, stay open long enough for me to buy something cute from you!<3
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