
New Emerald Viewer Leader on

Categories and Featured Stores on 8/23/2010 12:22:00 AM

A few hours ago the new leader of the Emerald Viewer Project along with another member of the staff appeared on (here) today to talk about what happened with Emerald's former leader Fractured Crystal.

Arabella Steadham is her name in Second Life. She and Jessica Lyon answered some pretty serious questions about the road Emerald Viewer had gone down. As far as users new, the Emerald Project staff seemed to be quite open with us on the Modular Systems blog (here) but Steadham claims otherwise, and that our trusted Frac went as far as to add code to the viewer that could potentially put almost anyone's computer at risk. Were we really at risk? No, I don't think so, but we could have been. Linden Labs seemed to think so, by taking Emerald Viewer off of it's "Third Party Viewer Directory" listing (here).

But i'm sure Emerald users have noticed that the Emerald Viewer hasn't been officially banned by Linden Labs (seeing as we can still use it) they just are not supporting it at the moment. Apparently they don't find Emerald Viewer a big enough of a threat to Second Life users. Steadham hopes to have that fixed as soon as possible. The bad code? She claims it has all been removed, and that even some of the Emerald Project members have been banned from the team as well.

Some key points:

- I truly believe that the Emerald Viewer is safe.
- I don't believe that Fractured Crystal will turn around and harm Emerald; he willingly gave the Emerald Project to Steadham and posted an apologetic blog entry about his shameful acts.
- Emerald is no longer being run by one person like a "republican" team, but democratic. Steadham is only overseeing the areas where she has no choice but to have someone in charge (ie hosting the servers).
- Steadham's hair matched with her cute pale skin is incredibly cute. ;)

All in all, I suggest Emerald Users just wait this mess out, Steadham has made it quite clear that what's left of the Emerald Project team are working hard to get all issues sorted, and are open to answering any questions or concerns we may have by contacting them in world. I have a feeling that before we know it everything will be back to normal and I have faith that the Emerald team will keep us posted on what's going on.
